6.3 References/ Referrals


  • A reference is a RECOMMENDATION from an industry professional or client of your buyer.
  • Good references will generally come from industry professionals WITH A POSITIVE REPUTATION.
    • Sometimes it’s business, sometimes it’s personal - great if it can be both.
  • Having a reference can be useful as they can VOUCH for your ability as a performer, your work ethic, you as a person & that reference’s perspective of you in the industry and possibly your future.
  • Having a reference as part of your Cover Letter shows your buyers that you have SOMEONE in the industry who has your back and IS WILLING TO VOUCH FOR YOU.
  • If you name someone as a reference and they didn’t provide permission and your buyer follows up the reference, it could make you look VERY unprofessional.
  • Always ensure you have your reference’s PERMISSION to use their name. The buyer may have a close relationship with that industry professional. It could even be their client that you’ve mentioned. And that could ruin that client’s reputation with that agent/ manager if you don’t live up to the recommendation.
  • Never BAIT a buyer with “someone from your agency” or “one of your clients” - name them.
    • If it’s legit, you’d have no reason to bait your buyer.

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