1.1 What is branding?


  • According to dictionary.com “Branding” is: “a set of distinctive characteristics that establish a recognisable image or identity for a person or thing”.
    • So when you identify your ESSENCE, understand WHO YOU ARE, the more specific your Branding will get as your further your career.
  • For actors, this means understanding what makes you unique as a person CONTRIBUTES to figuring out what it means to brand you as a product.
    • Trying new things, gain new experiences, meeting new people will all contribute to figuring out who you are and the better you know yourself, not only will your acting be better but so will your marketing.
  • Usually it takes a number of years to figure out your true branding because the INDUSTRY will brand you through what you will be CONSISTENTLY CAST AS.
    • You can brand yourself, sure but your true branding will come from the industry because these are the game makers. And it‘s these game makers that you are having to market yourself to.
  • Branding = REPUTATION. What are you KNOWN for? What makes you ICONIC?
    • Reputation means how do people talk about you, their thoughts and opinions about you. What‘s the energy you bring? How do people remember you? What‘s the legacy you want to leave?

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